This report examines how the compiler can more efficiently use a large number of processor registers. The placement of data items into registers, called register allocation, is known to be one of the most important compiler optimizations for high-speed computers because registers are the fastest storage devices in the computer system. However, register allocation has been limited in scope because of aliasing in the memory system. To break this limitation and allow more data to be placed into registers, new compiler and microarchitecture support is needed.We propose the modification of register access semantics to include an indirect access mode. We call this optimization the Smart Register File. The smart register file allows the relaxation of overly-conservative assumptions in the compiler by having the hardware provide support for aliased data items in processor registers. As a result, the compiler can allocate data from a larger pool of candidates than in a conventional system. An attendant advantage is that the smart register file reduces the number of load and store operations executed by the processor. The simple addition of an indirect register access mode not only simplifies alias handling, but also provides opportunities for other optimizations. This dissertation examines several such optimizations.
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