To evaluate whether major age-related changes occur during aging in the brain, we determined the sequence complexity of total poly(A)RNA and polysomal poly(A)RNA of brains from Sprague-Dawley and Fischer 344 male rats, aged 2-32 months. RNA complexity, determined by RNA-driven hybridization reactions with nonrepetitive DNA, was 6-7 X lox nucleotides for total poly(A)RNA, whereas polysomal poly(A)RNA had a sequence complexity of 2.3-2.8 x lo* nucleotides. Sprague-Dawley rats had polysomal poly(A)RNA with a yield per gram of brain and a complexity that was 20% greater than Fischer 344 rats.No age differences in total or polysomal poly(A)RNA complexity were detected in either strain. Mixtures of polysomal poly(A)RNA from different age groups gave complexity values that were indistinguishable from the complexity of each component, thereby indicating that most (>SO%) of the RNA sequences are common to all age groups studied. Analysis of total poly(A)RNA hybridization kinetics indicated that the major kinetic component had similar pseudo-first-order rate constants and complexity in all age groups. Consideration of interassay variation suggests that the limits of age changes in poly(A)RNA sequence complexity or content are ~1 0 % .Thus, age changes may be smaller than interstrain differences in the rat. We conclude that if genomic function is grossly impaired during aging, as presumed in many contemporary theories, the impairments are not expressed in most brain cells.Polysomal or total RNA (2-5 mg) was dissolved in buffer B (0.01 M-Tris-HC1, pH 7.4; 0.5 M -N~C~; 0.5% SDS) and bound to 1 g oligo(dT)-cellulose columns (type 7, P. L. Biochemicals, Milwaukee, Wisconsin), followed by washing with buffer B until the A260 of the eluant was negligible. Then, the bound poly(A)RNA-enriched fraction was eluted with H,O and rechromatographed twice to minimize contaminating ribosomal RNA (Kaplan et al., 1978, based on Aviv andLeder, 1972). The RNA was passed over Chelex (Biorad Laboratories, Richmond, California) (Davidson and Hough, 197 I) and precipitated the rat and mouse as a function of age and longevity. 1. Gerontol. 31, 405-408. Kurtz D. 1. and Sinex F. M. (1967) Age-related differences in the association of brain DNA and nuclear protein. Biochim. Biophys. Acia 145, 840-842. Mann D. M. A., Yates P. O., and Stamp J. E. (1978) The relationship between lipofuscin pigment and ageing in the human nervous system. J . Neurol. Sci. 37, 83 -93. Marmur J. (1961) A procedure for the isolation of DNA from microorganisms. . (1974) Thermal elution chromatography and the resolution of nucleic acids on hydroxylapatite. Anml. Biochetn. 61, 144-154. 487 -505. U S A 70, 3516-3520. idogia 12, 237-250. <'/?etil. 27, 77-82.