Symmetries represent a fundamental constraint for physical systems and relevant new phenomena often emerge as a consequence of their breaking. An important example is provided by spaceand time-translational invariance in statistical systems, which hold at a coarse-grained scale in equilibrium and are broken by spatial and temporal boundaries, the former being implemented by surfaces -unavoidable in real samples -the latter by some initial condition for the dynamics which causes a non-equilibrium evolution. While the separate effects of these two boundaries are well understood, we demonstrate here that additional, unexpected features arise upon approaching the effective edge formed by their intersection. For this purpose, we focus on the classical semi-infinite Ising model with spin-flip dynamics evolving out of equilibrium at its critical point. Considering both subcritical and critical values of the coupling among surface spins, we present numerical evidence of a scaling regime with universal features which emerges upon approaching the spatio-temporal edge and we rationalise these findings within a field-theoretical approach.PACS numbers: 64.60. De, 64.60.Ht, 68.35.Rh Introduction -Thanks to the advances in miniaturisation of the past decades, devices have reached a size at which boundary effects cannot be neglected; in parallel, the physics of surfaces and interfaces has attracted an increasing interest, in particular concerning non-equilibrium dynamical processes, as many applications involve sudden changes in control parameters. Typically, describing these processes requires knowledge of the many microscopic details that vary widely from system to system. However, in suitable circumstances, collective phenomena emerge which make only few coarse-grained, mesoscopic properties relevant for the dynamics: in fact, it is now well-established, both theoretically and experimentally, that the behaviour of a statistical system close to a continuous phase transition can be characterised by few quantities, such as exponents and scaling functions, which depend only on the range and symmetries of the underlying interaction and on the dimensionality of the space. All the microscopically different systems sharing these same gross features form the so-called universality class of the transition. Within each of these classes, the various thermodynamic and structural properties typically show, in the neighbourhood of the critical point, leading algebraic behaviours characterised by common exponents, which constitute the hallmark of the transition. In turn, upon approaching it, the relevant contribution to the various thermodynamic quantities is effectively determined by the fluctuations of the so-called order parameter ϕ (e.g., the local magnetisation for an Ising ferromagnet).