The venous system plays an important role in fluid shifts and blood pressure regulation. In humans, it has been supposed that the capacity of the leg veins may be reduced by a vasomotor reflex when standing [1]. If this is so, this is a portion of the compensatory response to gravitational stress. However, how the vasomotor reflex controls calf venous capacitance is unclear.Currently, little information in available concerning a relationship between vasomotor sympathetic activity, which can be recorded as muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) [2,3], and calf venous capacitance, especially under the effect of aging. Advancing age produces several changes in cardiovascular structure and function in humans [4,5], among which an impairment in cardiopulmonary, integrative baroreflex sympatho-circulatory control [6,7], and a stiffness of the peripheral venous wall [8,9] have mainly been proposed to have influences on cardiovascular stability in the elderly. Japanese Journal of Physiology, 52, 69-76, 2002 Key words: muscle sympathetic nerve activity, cardiopulmonary baroreflex, arterial baroreflex, calf blood flow, gravitational stress.Abstract: The present study was performed to test the hypothesis that calf venous capacitance would be reduced by mild gravitational stress through a vasomotor reflex in humans, and this response could be diminished with advancing age. Nine young (31Ϯ1 years, meanϮSE) and 9 elderly (69Ϯ1 years) healthy males were exposed to a lower body negative pressure (LBNP) of 15 mmHg. Venous occlusion plethysmography was used to measure calf venous capacitance and calf blood flow. Muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) was recorded microneurographically from the tibial nerve along with cardiovascular variables. It was found that baseline MSNA was higher [21Ϯ4 (meanϮSE) vs. 37Ϯ5 bursts · min
Ϫ1, young vs. elderly; pϽ0.05] and calf venous capacitance was lower (1.71Ϯ0.12 vs. 1.44Ϯ0.10, ml · 100 ml Ϫ1 , young vs. elderly; pϽ 0.05) in the elderly group. At 15 mmHg-LBNP, heart rate and mean arterial pressure both remained unchanged, MSNA was enhanced, and calf blood flow was reduced in all subjects. Calf venous capacitance during LBNP decreased in the young, but did not change in the elderly. A significant negative correlation between percent changes in MSNA and percent changes in calf venous capacitance existed in the young group (yϭϪ0.171xϪ11.863, rϭϪ0.682; pϭ0.0432), but disappeared in the elderly group. The ratio of percent changes in calf venous capacitance to percent changes in MSNA was markedly lower in the elderly (pϽ0.01). In conclusion, these results substantiate our hypothesis that calf venous capacitance is reduced by mild LBNP through the vasomotor reflex, and this response is diminished in the elderly.