, U~, (~= n-p, the nucber of observations~us the number of parameters) in'such a "NaY that •..men Eo is t::-ue, then \]1' ••• , U~T are independentlj" and identica.l17 distriol.::ted unifor-n random~a.bles ';1(...) '..J 1-~""1. ' "., In~i.i.d.. or-to. ccnt~uotls CCI:ml.on d.::E', , U~1(X) are i.i.d.. U(O,l) =s.na.cc'TU'in !l ables. An i:rpcrtact gene%'i" 1~:ation of this basic theor~e.ue to ?.osenbla.tt (1952) is gi'"Ten i.:: the next theorem.