“…The time series of income inequality measures are available only on an annual‐based frequency, and therefore, the series of the other variables are considered on the yearly basis. The control variables for the cross‐states panel regressions are determined based on the theory and the previous empirical work on income inequality (Roine et al , 2009; Coibion et al , 2012; Neal, 2013; Villarreal, 2014; Siami‐Namini & Hudson, 2016; Siami‐Namini, 2019; Siami‐Namini & Hudson, 2019a,b). The annual data collected from the Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) website and the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) website, which include consumer price index (CPI) inflation for all urban consumers, real gross domestic product (GDP), unemployment rate (UN), S&P 500 stock returns (SP), population as a demographic variable (POP), federal funds rate or interest rate as an indicator for monetary policy (I), and money stock (MS).…”