DOI: 10.1590/s0100-204x2017000200007
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Agrochemicals and storage times on soybean seed vigor

Abstract: -The objective of this work was to investigate the potential physiological damage of the treatment of '97Y07RR' soybean seeds with different pesticides at different storage times, in order to define the optimal period of sowing. The germination rate, the germination speed index, and shoot fresh matter were evaluated. Thiamethoxam did not cause losses in seed vigor with increasing storage time; however, the other agrochemicals caused significant losses. Seed treatment should be performed up to 90 days before so… Show more

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Cited by 4 publications
(4 citation statements)
References 9 publications
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“…However, there was reduction in seed germination after 51 days of storage when thiamethoxan was applied isolated as well as associated with fludioxonil + metalaxyl-M (Table 4). These results are contrary to what was observed by other authors (Barros et al, 2001;Dan et al, 2012;Dan et al, 2013;Ferreira et al, 2016;Bortoletto et al, 2017), where no negative effects of thiamethoxan on physiological quality of seed occurred. The differences among studies could be due to the storage conditions, dose applied and Table 3.…”
Section: Physiological Quality Of Seedcontrasting
confidence: 96%
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“…However, there was reduction in seed germination after 51 days of storage when thiamethoxan was applied isolated as well as associated with fludioxonil + metalaxyl-M (Table 4). These results are contrary to what was observed by other authors (Barros et al, 2001;Dan et al, 2012;Dan et al, 2013;Ferreira et al, 2016;Bortoletto et al, 2017), where no negative effects of thiamethoxan on physiological quality of seed occurred. The differences among studies could be due to the storage conditions, dose applied and Table 3.…”
Section: Physiological Quality Of Seedcontrasting
confidence: 96%
“…Seed treatment with carbendazim + thiram + thiamethoxan, fludioxonil + metalaxyl-M + imidacloprid + thiodicarbe, fludioxonil + metalaxyl-M + thiamethoxan also reduced seed vigor compared to the control after 51 days of storage of the seeds (Table 3). Previous studies did not observe a negative effect of application of imidacloprid only (Castro et al, 2008;Dan et al, 2013Dan et al, , 2012, however, the association of imidacloprid + thiodicarb reduced vigor and germination of soybean seeds (Dan et al, 2012;Bortoletto et al, 2017). Sometimes when products are combined, there can be modification in some characteristics of the mixture that become more toxic to the seeds compared to the product alone.…”
Section: Physiological Quality Of Seedmentioning
confidence: 95%
“…Atualmente, a indústria de sementes também tem investido esforços no desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias de TS, esses buscam pesticidas que possam agregar maiores benefícios aos agricultores (Bortoletto et al 2017). O pesticida tiametoxam é reconhecido como um inseticida eficaz que atua no receptor nicotínico de acetilcolina (nAChR), classificado como Grupo 4A (Comitê de Ação de Resistência a Inseticidas -IRAC) (Jeschke and Nauen 2008).…”
Section: Introductionunclassified
“…Sua molécula também mostra efeitos positivos na fisiologia e metabolismo vegetal para muitas culturas, como feijão (Cataneo et al 2010), trigo (Macedo and Castro 2011), arroz (Macedo et al 2013a;Lanka et al 2017), milho (Afifi et al 2015), soja (Cataneo et al 2010;Bortoletto et al 2017) e pastagens (Macedo et al 2013b) (Ge et al 2019). Devido aos efeitos proeminentes no vigor das plantas, ganhos no influxo de água, transporte de íons ou ativando o metabolismo primário e secundário, essa molécula foi classificada como bioativador (Macedo et al 2013b, a).…”
Section: Introductionunclassified