Global urbanization leads to the loss of periurban farming land and increases dependency on 2 distant agriculture systems. This provokes greenhouse gas emissions associated with 3 transportation and storage while disconnecting nutrient cycles, as urban organic waste is not 4 recycled into the agricultural system. Urban food production based on composted local 5 biomass could reduce these problems, but currently used hybrid crops rely strongly on 6 inorganic fertilizers. On the contrary, open-pollinated varieties were bred for productivity 7 under organic fertilization, such as compost. Hypothesising that open-pollinated varieties 8 retain high nutritional value under low nutrient conditions, a commercial hybrid and a local 9 open-pollinated variety of maize were cultivated in non-fertilized soil and under two compost 10 applications: Municipal compost as high nutrient input or locally produced green waste 11 compost and municipal compost mix, as medium nutrient input. Unfertilized plots exhibited 12 low grain production (1.9 t/ha), but yields under green waste compost/municipal compost (6.1 13 t/ha) and municipal compost (7.8 t/ha) treatments were comparable to observations from 14 maize under inorganic fertilization. Contrary to the commercial variety, the open-pollinated 15 variety exhibited higher grain micronutrient concentrations, e.g. 220 % higher zinc 16 concentrations and lower accumulation of heavy metals, e.g. 74 % lower nickel 17 concentrations. This variety-related effect was found in all treatments and was independent of 18 soil micronutrient concentrations. In conclusion, both compost mixes were effective in 19 increasing grain yield in both maize varieties. However, the open-pollinated variety produced 20 grain with higher nutritional values in soil and all treatments, indicating it is potentially better 21 suited for compost-based sustainable urban agriculture. 22 *Revised Manuscript -Clean Version Click here to view linked References Peri-urban farming might be a viable option to produce food close to urban agglomerations 33 and relieve some of the problems of urban nutrition, however, the rate of expansion of most 34 cities worldwide exceeds urban population growth, which has intensified the competition for 35 nearby agricultural land (Seto and Ramankutty, 2016). The increasing distance between food 36 production and urban consumption sites gives rise to a vast infrastructure needed to distribute 37 and store food while increasing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and food waste (Bloem and 38 de Pee, 2017). Another large part of urban waste is organic waste originating from urban 39 green spaces such as gardens, parks and wastelands, which together constitute the largest 40 source of municipal solid waste (Reyes-Torres et al., 2018). This green waste is not only 41 composed of pruning from planted species, but is also increasingly derived from invasive 42 plant species, which rapidly dominate invaded ecosystems and threaten native species found 43 in urban landscapes (Alvey, 2006). Removing this...