We show that topological transitions in electronic spin transport are feasible by a controlled manipulation of spin-guiding fields. The transitions are determined by the topology of the fields texture through an effective Berry phase (related to the winding parity of spin modes around poles in the Bloch sphere), irrespective of the actual complexity of the nonadiabatic spin dynamics. This manifests as a distinct dislocation of the interference pattern in the quantum conductance of mesoscopic loops. The phenomenon is robust against disorder, and can be experimentally exploited to determine the magnitude of inner spin-orbit fields.PACS numbers: 71.70. Ej, 75.76.+j, In the early 1980s Berry showed that quantum states in a cyclic motion may acquire a phase component of geometric nature [1]. This opened a door to a class of topological quantum phenomena in optical and material systems [2]. With the development of quantum electronics in semiconducting nanostructures, a possibility emerged to manipulate electronic quantum states via the control of spin geometric phases driven by magnetic field textures [3]. After several experimental attempts An early proposal for the topological manipulation of electron spins by Lyanda-Geller involved the abrupt switching of Berry phases in spin interferometers [12]. These are conducting rings of mesoscopic size subject to Rashba spin-orbit (SO) coupling, where a radial magnetic texture B SO steers the electronic spin (Fig. 1a). For relatively large field strengths (or, alternatively, slow orbital motion) the electronic spins follow the local field direction adiabatically during transport, acquiring a Berry phase factor π of geometric origin (equal to half the solid angle subtended by the spins in a roundtrip) leading to destructive interference effects. By introducing an additional in-plane uniform field B, it was assumed that the spin geometric phase undergoes a sharp transition at the critical point beyond which the corresponding solid angle vanishes together with the Berry phase, and interference turns constructive. The transition should manifest as a step-like characteristic in the ring's conductance as a function of the coupling fields (so far unreported). However, this reasoning appears to be oversimplified: the adiabatic condition can not be satisfied in the vicinity of the transition point, since the local steering field vanishes and reverses direction abruptly at the rim of the ring. Moreover, typical experimental conditions correspond to moderate field strengths, resulting in nonadiabatic effects in analogy to the case of spin transport in helical magnetic fields [13]. Hence, a more sophisticated approach is required. This includes identifying the role played by nonadiabatic Aharonov-Anandan (AA) geometric phases [14].Here, we report transport simulations showing that a topological phase transition is possible in loop-shaped spin interferometers away from the adiabatic limit. The transition is determined by the topology of the field texture through an effective Berry phase ...