BACKGROUND: Ocular trauma may alter the anterior segment condition that may lead to secondary glaucomas such as inflammation, hyphema, angle recession, and lens subluxation. One of the most common procedures to decrease intraocular pressure (IOP) is trabeculectomy by creating pathways that allow aqueous humor to flow out of the anterior chamber. Scleral tissue destruction can cause damage in thin areas (such as posterior to the rectus muscle insertions) as in case of scleritis.
CASE REPORT: An 11-year-old boy presented to the Ophthalmology Department of Universitas Sumatera Utara Hospital with a bigger white grayish mass and blurry vision. There was a history of the left ocular trauma 6 years ago, followed by redness of the eye, but not treated properly. On the general examination, the patient’s left eyes looked cloudy. On ocular examination, the left eye visual acuity was 1/300 and IOP was 28 mmHg. Segment anterior examination showed staphyloma from 9 to 12 o’clock, conjunctival injection, corneal scar, shallow anterior chamber, and cloudy lens. We could not asses the posterior segment due to cloudy media. We gave anti-glaucoma medication for 1 month, but the IOP did not decrease. We performed a trabeculectomy to control IOP and to prevent staphyloma from getting bigger.
CONCLUSION: Trabeculectomy was an effective procedure to control IOP in a staphyloma eye following ocular trauma.