Logistics systems are inexplicably linked to trade and investment, and their significance in describing a country's competitiveness in an increasingly globalized world is growing. Improved trade logistics, in conjunction by a way of more economic liberalization climate, increased volume and size of trade, as well as reach in distribution and production activities. With careful reviews, the study discussed a metasynthesis of trade logistics influence on international trade where about twenty-two papers across publishers were analyzed to observe their findings. According to several reports, the availability and consistency of physical infrastructure for effective transportation and logistics services, regulations, poor implementation, procedures, corruption at ports, and cargo handling costs all got a significant influence on a trade and competitiveness performance of the Nation. In order to meet consumer demand, exporting companies could develop reverse logistics systems while focusing on sustainable development. However, to make the understanding of the level of logistics of trade impacts on international trade, the response of logistics growth in international trade requires more in-depth research.