A long, smooth cylinder is dragged through a water surface to create a cavity with an initially cylindrical shape. This surface void then collapses due to the hydrostatic pressure, leading to a rapid and axisymmetric pinch-off in a single point. Surprisingly, the depth at which this pinch-off takes place does not follow the expected Froude 1=3 power law. Instead, it displays two distinct scaling regimes separated by discrete jumps, both in experiment and in numerical simulations (employing a boundary integral code). We quantitatively explain the above behavior as a capillary wave effect. These waves are created when the top of the cylinder passes the water surface. Our work thus gives further evidence for the nonuniversality of the void collapse. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.084502 PACS numbers: 47.55.Dÿ, 47.11.Hj, 47.35.Pq Many phenomena in fluid dynamics are known to be self-similar [1] and universal, allowing physicists to describe their final outcome without precise knowledge of the initial conditions. Prime examples for such universality are the breakup of an elongated fluid filament inside another viscous fluid [2] and the pinch-off of a liquid droplet in air [3][4][5]. For the inverse problem [6 -10], i.e., when an air bubble pinches off inside a liquid, the dynamics retains a memory of its creation until the very end, indicating nonuniversality. As an example for such a breakup, we examine the air-filled cavity created when a solid object is rapidly submerged through a water surface. The walls of the cavity subsequently collapse due to hydrostatic pressure from the liquid bulk. When the colliding walls meet, a violent jet shoots up into the air. Regardless of the nonuniversality of the pinch-off [7], the location at which it takes place has been reported (experimentally and theoretically) to scale in a continuous fashion with the object velocity for such different systems as spheres on prefluidized sand [11], solid disks [12], spheres and cylinders [13] on water, and even water columns on water [14]. Our experimental and numerical evidence shows the lower limit where this universal scaling is broken through the interference of a second phenomenon unrelated to hydrostatic pressure. Surface waves created as the object passes the water surface significantly alter the pinch-off location in a noncontinuous manner. Similar effects for the breakdown of a universal behavior due to wave interaction have been observed in, e.g., magnetohydrodynamics [15] and turbulence [16].In our experiment we drag a cylinder with radius R 0 20 mm and length l 147 mm through the surface of a large water tank using a linear motor connected to the cylinder bottom by a rod. We prescribe a constant cylinder velocity V between 0.5 and 2:5 m=s. With the kinematic viscosity the global Reynolds number Re R 0 V= is of the order of 10 4 , while the local Reynolds number Re R _ R= defined with the cavity radius R for the point of minimum radius lies between 10 2 and 10 5 , demonstrating that inertia dominates viscous effects. Further, wi...