Carbon export out of the surface ocean via the biological pump is a critical sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide. This process transports organic carbon to the deep ocean through sinking particulate organic carbon (POC) and the downward transport of suspended POC and dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Changes in the relative contribution of each pathway can significantly affect the magnitude and efficiency of carbon export to depth. Net community production (NCP), an analog of carbon export under steady state assumptions, is typically estimated using budgets of biologically important chemical tracers in the upper ocean constrained by ship-board or autonomous platform observations. In this study, we use measurements from biogeochemical profiling floats, the Ocean Station Papa mooring, and recently developed algorithms for carbonate system parameters to constrain budgets for three tracers (nitrate, dissolved inorganic carbon, and total alkalinity) and estimate NCP in the Northeast Pacific from 2009 to 2017. Using our multiple-tracer approach, and constraining end-member nutrient ratios of the POC and DOC produced, we not only calculate regional NCP throughout the annual cycle and across multiple depth horizons, but also partition this quantity into particulate and dissolved portions. We also use a particle backscatter-based approach to estimate POC attenuation with depth and present a new method to constrain particle export across deeper horizons and estimate in situ export efficiency. Our results agree well with previously published estimates of regional carbon export annually and suggest that the approaches presented here could be used to assess the magnitude and efficiency of carbon export in other regions of the world's oceans. Plain Language Summary "Carbon export" refers to the amount of carbon dioxide that is removed from the atmosphere by organisms in the surface ocean and subsequently transported into the deep sea, either through sinking particles (more efficient process) or downward mixing (less efficient process), making the ocean a natural sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide and significantly influencing ocean chemistry. The relative proportion of export through each pathway significantly affects the overall efficiency of this process and has implications for the pattern of carbon export globally. Measuring carbon export throughout the year traditionally requires persistent ship-based observations, which can be costly and perilous for researchers. Instead, carbon export is often estimated by budgeting nutrient distributions and changes through time, as they are also controlled by the same processes. These measurements can now be made remotely using autonomous biogeochemical profiling floats. Here, we present a new approach utilizing multiple chemical budgets to estimate carbon export over a decade in the Northeast Pacific, which can be combined to partition export occurring through sinking particles and downward mixing. Our results are supported by previously published estimates of carbon export and sugges...