Since the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, the importance of biological diversity in supporting and maintaining ecosystem functions and processes has become increasingly understood [1]. Biodiversity "connects the web of life," that is, biodiversity represents the diversity of species in an ecosystem, landscape, region and globe. It is their combined interactions, with each other and their environment that alters biogeochemical cycles and the climate system. In recent years, biodiversity has come to broadly include diversity in terms of taxonomic, systematic and genetic attributes, morphological and structural attributes, and their ecological and functional traits. Human actions are driving climate change and land use changes throughout the globe, causing major losses of biodiversity [2,3]. These actions impact the climate, influencing magnitude and the timing of disturbance events, e.g., drought and wildfires, create pollution and contamination in water, air, and soil, and cause many other impacts that accelerate species losses, altering ecosystem functions and their services. The loss of biological diversity impacts ecological processes at scales comparable to other drivers of global environmental change [4] and likely interacts synergistically with climate change [5]. Biodiversity is recognized as a key factor in the maintenance of healthy ecosystems and for the sustainability of conservation efforts. Losses of biodiversity reduce the stability and resilience of ecosystems through the loss of functional traits associated with resource capture and decomposition [1]. The rapid pace of global change requires increased knowledge about species composition, numbers of species, and the states of health and the conditions for global ecosystems in order to respond effectively. Tittensor et al. (2014) [6] show that many of the 20 Aichi indicator targets from the Convention on Biological Diversity are unlikely to be met by 2020. The development of large plant trait databases like TRY [7,8] that have data on thousands of vascular plant species (46,085 species) still remain significantly under-sampled, particularly outside the northern temperate zone [9]. Remote sensing provides the only feasible way to measure and monitor biodiversity changes at the scales necessary. Nonetheless, until recently, there has been little success in monitoring ecologically meaningful aspects of diversity (e.g., alpha, beta, and gamma diversity). Today, there are an increasing number of remote sensing satellites and aircraft instruments that can provide a wide range of observational capability, in terms of spatial, temporal, and spectral resolutions, especially when combined with "big data" computational capacity and in situ monitoring systems. Similarly, significant progress in image processing algorithms has increased the potential for the successful characterization of biodiversity at various scales.We are pleased to present this special issue of 18 state-of-the-science papers [10-27] covering a wide range biological diversity issues ass...