A wide range of natural and anthropogenic events produce infrasound, acoustic waves with a frequency below 20 Hz (the approximate lower limit of human hearing). Infrasound can be used to monitor a variety of sources, including earthquakes (e.g., Arrowsmith et al., 2012), volcanic eruptions (e.g., Johnson & Ripepe, 2011, ocean processes (e.g., Fricke et al., 2014), urban activity (e.g., Bird et al., 2021), and nuclear or chemical explosions (e.g., Che et al., 2009;Pasyanos & Kim, 2019). The bulk of infrasound research focuses solely on data from ground-based sensors, but a growing area of study considers airborne stations (Bowman, 2021). Recordings from infrasound microphones attached to balloons, aerostats, or other similar crafts have been used to interrogate numerous sources, including microbaroms (Bowman & Lees, 2015), volcanism (Jolly et al., 2017, chemical explosions (Bowman et al., 2014), sonic booms (Veggeberg, 2012), and ground shaking (Krishnamoorthy et al., 2018). Relative to ground stations, balloon-borne sensors appear to mitigate background noise from wind, recording subtle, lower-amplitude details (Young et al., 2018) and at times record signals not observed on groundbased arrays (Bowman & Lees, 2017).The majority of the studies cited above included only one sensor per floating station. However, we designed our balloons to include microbarometers separated by 100 m, which enabled the elevation angle of incoming acoustic signals to be calculated (e.g., Wescott, 1964). The distance the plane wave travels between arrivals at each payload is given by the product of the lag time between arrivals at the lower and upper sensors and the speed of sound. Considering the right triangle formed with this distance acting as the opposite leg a and the tether length