Abstract. The contaminants present in the atmosphere have a substantial impact on public health. Among contaminants, the most important are polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).This paper is focused on the possibility of continuous PAHs monitoring and the description of their vertical distribution using filters, which serve to purify the air before the determination of the greenhouse gases (CO 2 , CH 4 , N 2 O, CO, ozone) and Hg in air, continuously sampled at 8, 50 and 230 m at the atmospheric station Křešín near Pacov and elaboration of a simple and economical method of extraction of these filters.The station serves as a point for monitoring the occurrence and remote transport of greenhouse gases and selected atmospheric pollutants and for the measurements of basic meteorological characteristics.In December, 17, 2014, a sampling of 16 priority PAHs started and lasted until December, 9, 2015. Samples were taken approximately once a month. The maximum concentration of ΣPAHs was 15.905 ng/m 3 , measured at the height of 8 meters in the period of 11. 2. 2015-11. 3. 2015, the concentration of benzo[a]pyrene exceeded the immission limit in this period by more than 50 %.By the sampling, the hypothesis about decreasing concentration of PAHs with increasing height was confirmed, especially the decrease of heavier PAHs.The sampling has shown that it is highly desirable to use the meteorological tower for sampling of PAHs using PTFE filters either by including the active sampler itself, or by using pre-filters for tropospheric ozone and gaseous elemental mercury analysers.