Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 fiour per response, including tfie time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing this collection of Infomiatlon. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Infomiation Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302, and A spectram-matching and look-up-table (LUT) methodology has been developed and evaluated for extracting environmental information from remotely sensed hyperspectral imagery. The LUT methodology works as follows. First, a database of remote-sensing reflectance (/?rs) spectra corresponding to various water depths, bottom reflectance spectra, and water-column inherent optical properties (lOPs) is constructed using a special version of the Hydrolight radiative transfer numerical model. Second, the /?" spectrum for a particular image pixel is compared with each spectrum in the database and the closest match to the image spectrum is found using a least-squares minimization. The environmental conditions in nature are then assumed to be the same as the input conditions that generated the closest-matching Hydrolight-generated spectrum in the database. The LUT methodology has been evaluated by application to an Ocean PHBLLS (Portable Hyperspectral Imaging Low-Light Spectrometer) image acquired near Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas, on 17 May 2000. The LUT-retrieved bottom depths were on average within 5% and 0.5 m of independently obtained acoustic depths. The LUT-retrieved bottom classification was in qualitative agreement with diver and video spot classification of bottom types, and the LUT-retrieved lOPs were consistent with lOPs measured at nearby times and locations.
SUBJECT TERMSlook-up- First, a database of remote-sensing reflectance (RJ spectra corresponding to various water depths, bottom reflectance spectra, water-column inherent optical properties (lOPs), sky conditions, and viewing geometries is assembled. This database is constructed using the a special version of the Hydrolight radiative transfer numerical model, which provides an exact solution of the unpolarized radiative transfer equation for the given input. Each Hydrolight-generated /?" spectrum in the database is tagged by indices that identify the bottom depth, bottom reflectance spectrum, water lOPs, sun zenith angle, etc. that were used as input to the Hydrolight run. At a minimum, this database should contain R^ spectra generated for environmental conditions close to those occurring in nature at the time and location where the image was acquired. The database also may contain spectra corresponding to environmental conditions much different from those of the image under consideration.Second, the /?" spectrum for a particular image pixel is compared with each spect...