In the processing of images, aircraft recognition is crucial. The shape of the airplane can be extracted using are cognition processor. The practice of detecting as well as identifying a specific object or component in a digitized image or video is known as image recognition. This technique is employed in numerous applications, including frameworks for computerizing industrial lines, toll corner observation, and security observation. In addition to having a complicated structure, different types of air craft range in size, form, and color shading. Even within a single type, the texture and brightnesswerefrequentlyvariabledependingonthesituation.Addi tionally,numerousdisruptionsincludingclutter,disparatecontrast s,andhomogeneityanxietyfrequentlyimpairrecognition.Therefor e,thetechniqueheavilydependsonrobustnessanddisturbanceresist ance. This technology makes use of neural networks to recognize aircraft. The median filter algorithm is used to process the input satellite image. Shape, size, and texture are used to extract features. There lating to global of the filter outputs is then used to calculate the feature representation, which eases the numerical challenges. Followingthat,aneuralnetworkapproachknownasaconvolutional neuralnetworkisutilizedtodeterminethelayerbetweenclasses.Dim ensionalityreduction,segmentation,andtemplatebasedaircraftidentificationareallpartofthisrecognitionmethod.A Megapixelsegmentisspecificallysuggested to lessen the dimension of the satellite picture. The desired object is then distinguished from the background using histogram probability thresholding. Convolutional neural networks are used to classify data using templates as matchingmodels.Finally,sendanalertsystemtotheadministratorw henanaircraftisdetectedand offer a higher level of accuracy than the current algorithm.