The estimation of horizontal and vertical airflow resistance is essential for fabricating storage cum curing structure for multiplier onion. The horizontal and vertical airflow resistance of multiplier onion (var. CO‐4) was investigated at three different moisture levels of 80.8, 84.2, and 88.8% w.b., and the airflow rates varied from 1 to 1.7 m3 s−1 m−2. The horizontal airflow resistance was studied at three different depths of fill of 10, 20, and 30 cm. The resistance of multiplier onion to airflow increased significantly with increasing depth of fill, moisture content, and airflow rate. Models, namely Shedd's, Hukill and Ives equation, were investigated to explore the horizontal airflow resistance of onion. Shedd's equation was found to be the most suitable model with a high coefficient of determination and low RMSE value. The vertical airflow resistance was studied at a depth of fill of 5–15 cm and spacing between racks of 20–40 cm. The airflow resistance may be best expressed by the linear model with the highest adjusted R2 of .842 and a predicted R2 of .8053. The optimum curing conditions were obtained at an airflow rate of 1.15 m3 s−1 m−2, 14.5 cm depth of fill, and 35 cm spacing between racks.
Practical applications
Multiplier onion being an important spice crop in southern parts of India, the effective storage of the same becomes very essential. Under monsoon conditions, farmers face heavy postharvest losses of rotting and sprouting caused due to improper aeration within the storage structures. The efficient designing of storage structure requires data on the effect of airflow rate, depth of filling, and spacing between racks. The airflow resistance data are vital for optimizing the dimensions of the storage structure. The effect of these parameters and their interactions has been analyzed for the first time using nonlinear and multiple linear regression analysis. The optimized design dimensions could be utilized by farmers for constructing an optimal storage structure for multiplier onion with minimal storage losses even under monsoon conditions.