Gastritis cystica polyposa is relatively rare and characterized by polypoid hyperplasia and cystic dilatation of the gastric glands in stomach. Most cases are related to previous gastric surgeries, but a few cases have been reported in unoperated stomachs. We present a 34‐year‐old man who had anemic symptoms with melena and exertional dyspnea for 3 weeks. He denied any surgical history. An esophagogastroduodenoscopy revealed diffuse giant folds extending from the lower to the upper body of the stomach with nodularity and no obvious bleeding site. A pathologic diagnosis of a punch biopsy specimen from the giant folds revealed only moderately active chronic inflammation with a high Helicobacter pylori density. After serial studies, the patient received a whole layer gastric biopsy during a laparoscopy. Gastritis cystica polyposa was diagnosed on the pathology report. Our present case highlights the rare clinical and endoscopic condition of gastritis cystica polyposa in an unoperated stomach.