CBDC (central bank digital currency) is a rising economic topic internationally in the last few years. CBDC is not yet introduced as payment tool, beside the pilot projects. The first choice to be made is to use the CBDC in a certain national economy or not, and it is based on political aims, economic interests, objectives of business development and social welfare. Meanwhile the taxonomy of CBDC is quite complicated and growing in abundance, even before the official circulation had started. There is not "one option fit all" scenario for CBDC. It is theoretically possible in one and the same national economy different CBDC types to be used, as per aims to be reached. Highly developed economies are likely to have different choices than the lower developed ones; the macroeconomic reasoning, might lead to decision on CBDC different than the micro economic ones. The choice for a CBDC volume/ share of all national money, the choice when to have CBDC, other choices like convertibility, trans border CBDC operation opportunities, privacy, specific incentives and limitations continue the list of complex choices to be made for CBDC. The final decision compromise is up to the prevailing economic philosophy of policy makers. Although CBDC as any fiat money form is a state matter, it could not survive without the support of the population. The final choice belongs to money users-companies and people.