This article maintains that it is the social context, as much as, and sometimes more than the physical condition, that largely structures and limits the lives of people with albi nism. It deals with albinism from a sociological, rather than a medical perspective. Viewed as such the problems experiencing by affected people stem primarily not from their physical differences but from the way others respond to those differences and from the social and physical en vironments they have to cope with. The article is based on a study of 32 children with albinism from a special school in the Limpopo province. Educational, health and social problems, attitudes and perceptions about albinism were tested by way of structured interviews. The data reveal an acute lack of information about the causes and conse quences of albinism. It projects it as a condition still deeply immersed in myths and superstition resulting in the stig matising and rejection of affected people. It also discloses a physical environment which is preventing rather than supporting people with albinism from reaching their po tential. It calls for a reorientation in dealing with albi nism -away from just medical intervention to treating it as a social construct requiring a holistic approach.
OpsommingHierdie artikel redeneer dat dit die sosiale konteks, eerder, en nog meer as die fisiese toestand is wat tot 'n groot mate mense met albinisme se lewens beheer en struktureer. Dit beskryf albinisme vanuit 'n sosiologiese, eerder as 'n mediese verband. As sulks is die probleme van mense met albinisme nie primer 'n verskil in fisiese voorkoms gesetel nie, maar in die wyse waarop ander persone op hierdie verskille reageer en in die sosiale en fisiese omgewing waarbinne hulle moet funksioneer. Die artikel is gebaseer op 'n studie van 32 kinders met albinisme by 'n spesiale skool in die Limpopo provinsie. Gesondheids, leer en sosiale probleme, houdings en persepsies oor albinisme is by wyse van g estruktureerde onderhoude getoets. Betekenisvolle bevindinge sentreer om 'n akute gebrek aan inligting oor die oorsake en gevolge van albinisme met gepaardgaande mites en bygelowe. Die gevolg is stig m atiserin g , verw erping en d isk rim in asie van geaffekteerde persone. 'n Verdere bevinding is dat die sosiale en fisiese omgewing waarin persone met albinisme moet funksioneer hulle eerder beperk as ondersteun in die bereiking van persoonlike potensiaal. Dit vereis 'n herorientering in die hantering van albinisme -vanaf 'n oorwegend mediese model na een waarin die toestand as beide 'n fisiese en 'n sosiale konstruksie beskou word en vanuit 'n holistiese benadering hanteer behoort te word.