A precise estimation of the amount of enhancement in Higgs boson production through pp collisions at ultra-relativistic energies throughout promotion of the gluon distribution function inside the protons before the collision is presented here. The study is based mainly on the available Monte Carlo event generators (PYTHIA 8.2.9, SHERPA 2.1.0) running on PCs and CERNX -Machine, respectively, and using the extended invariant mass technique. Generated samples of 1000 events from PYTHIA 8.2.9 and SHERPA, 2.1.0 at √ s = 13 TeV are used in the investigation of the effect of replacing the parton distribution function (PDF) on the Higgs production enhancement. The CTEQ66 and M S RT W 2004nlo parton distribution functions are used alternatively on PYTHIA 8.2.9 and SHERPA 2.1.0 event generators in companion with the effects of allowing initial state and final state radiations (ISR and FSR) to obtain evidence on the enhancement of the SM-Higgs production depending on the field theoretical model of SM. It is found that, the replacement of PDFs will lead to a significant change in the SM-Higgs production, and the effect of allowing or denying any of ISR or FSR is sound for the two event generators but may be unrealistic in PHYTIA 8.2.9.