The social market economies of the Western world considered the provision of plasma derivatives produced from publicly owned blood services as a legitimate state commitment and, until the last decades of the 20th century, many of the relevant jurisdictions maintained state‐supported fractionation plants to convert publicly collected plasma into products for the public health system. This situation started to change in the 1990s, because of several converging factors, and currently, publicly owned/subsidized, not‐for‐profit fractionation activity has shrunk to a handful of players. However, the collection of plasma from publicly owned blood services has continued and recent developments have increased the interest of state authorities globally to increase the volume of plasma collected to increase the level of strategic independence in the supply of crucial plasma‐derived medicines from commercial market pressures, particularly the global for‐profit fractionation sector with its dominance of source plasma from paid donors in the United States. This paper reviews the development of the plasma industry and the evolution of the pressures on the supply of plasma, which has led to a situation of scarcity of key plasma‐derived medicinal products (PDMPs).