We report the synthesis and characterization of O-[o-nitromandelyloxycarbonyl]-2,5-di(tert-butyl)hydroquinone (Nmoc-DBHQ), a new "caged" reagent for photoreleasing DBHQ, a membrane-permeant, reversible inhibitor of the sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca 2؉ ATPase (SERCA). The Nmoc group is a new caging group developed for the current application. Photolysis of Nmoc-DBHQ proceeds with t1 ⁄2 ؍ 126 ؎ 2 s, and t1 ⁄2 for subsequent release of DBHQ is estimated to be ϳ5 ms. Nmoc-DBHQ thus allows rapid and reversible modulation of SERCA activity in living cells. Through its acetoxymethyl ester, Nmoc-DBHQ can be loaded into cells easily by incubation. We demonstrate the use of Nmoc-DBHQ for photomodulating SERCA activity in fibroblasts and vagal sensory neurons. We further demonstrate the utility of pulsed DBHQ photorelease for probing and manipulating dynamic phenomena such as [Ca 2؉ ] oscillations in fibroblasts.Intracellular concentration and distribution of the ubiquitous second messenger Ca 2ϩ is tightly controlled by a number of pathways (1). The interaction of the pathways that mobilize and regulate free Ca 2ϩ levels can result in highly complex and dynamic signaling patterns, such as Ca 2ϩ oscillations and waves (1-3). Pulsed perturbation of the concentrations of various second messengers, achieved by flash photolysis of caged inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate, diacylglycerol, and Ca 2ϩ (4 -8), has yielded highly specific mechanistic information about these dynamic phenomena (5, 9). Although the role of second messengers themselves in dynamic signaling phenomena has been studied by photorelease techniques, the contribution of pathways that regulate second messenger levels remains unexplored.The family of sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca 2ϩ ATPases (SERCA) 1 that sequester Ca 2ϩ into the sarcoplasmic reticulum and endoplasmic reticulum are important regulators of cytosolic free Ca 2ϩ levels (10). We reasoned that the effect of these pumps on Ca 2ϩ oscillations and waves could be elucidated by the development of a method for the pulsed modulation of their activity. This could be accomplished by the preparation of a caged, reversible SERCA inhibitor. Of the known SERCA inhibitors (11), 2,5-di(tert-butyl)-1,4-hydroquinone (DBHQ, 1) (12, 13) is ideally suited for the development of a caged SERCA modulator because it is a structurally simple and reversible inhibitor that is commercially available in large quantities.
EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURESSynthesis-Reagents and solvents were ACS or high pressure liquid chromatography grade and were used as received from Aldrich or Fisher. Dimethylformamide and dichloromethane were stored over 3 Å molecular sieves. All oxygen-and water-sensitive reactions were performed under dry argon atmosphere. For water-sensitive reactions, glassware was dried at 130°C for at least 3 h and cooled under a stream of argon or in a desiccator prior to use. Silica gel 60 (230 -400 mesh, Merck) was used for column chromatography. Melting points were recorded on a Melt-temp II (Laboratory Devic...