Neurons are highly differentiated and polarized cells, whose various functions depend upon the compartmentalization of ion channels. The rat hypothalamic-neurohypophysial system (HNS), in which cell bodies and dendrites reside in the hypothalamus, physically separated from their nerve terminals in the neurohypophysis, provides a particularly powerful preparation in which to study the distribution and regional properties of ion channel proteins. Using electrophysiological and immunohistochemical techniques, we characterized the large-conductance calcium-activated potassium (BK) channel in each of the three primary compartments (soma, dendrite, and terminal) of HNS neurons. We found that dendritic BK channels, in common with somatic channels but in contrast to nerve terminal channels, are insensitive to iberiotoxin. Furthermore, analysis of dendritic BK channel gating kinetics indicates that they, like somatic channels, have fast activation kinetics, in contrast to the slow gating of terminal channels. Dendritic and somatic channels are also more sensitive to calcium and have a greater conductance than terminal channels. Finally, although terminal BK channels are highly potentiated by ethanol, somatic and dendritic channels are insensitive to the drug. The biophysical and pharmacological properties of somatic and dendritic versus nerve terminal channels are consistent with the characteristics of exogenously expressed ␣1 versus ␣4 channels, respectively. Therefore, one possible explanation for our findings is a selective distribution of auxiliary 1 subunits to the somatic and dendritic compartments and 4 to the terminal compartment. This hypothesis is supported immunohistochemically by the appearance of distinct punctate 1 or 4 channel clusters in the membrane of somatic and dendritic or nerve terminal compartments, respectively.Ion channel compartmentalization between specific brain regions and various neuronal populations has been known for many years. Technological advances recently have permitted researchers to probe the distribution of channel subtypes on a subcellular level. Here, we have utilized a unique system, the hypothalamic-neurohypophysial system (HNS), which allows us to examine dendrites, cell bodies, and individual nerve terminals within the same population of magnocellular neurons. The HNS is an ideal model system to study compartmentalization of channel properties because the three neuronal domains (dendrite, cell body, and nerve terminal) can be easily distinguished from one another. The large (20 -30 m) magnocellular neurons of the supraoptic nucleus (SON) send axonal projections to the posterior pituitary (neurohypophysis), where they terminate in thousands of nerve endings that release oxytocin (OXT) or vasopressin (AVP) into systemic circulation. Magnocellular neuron dendrites, on the other hand, project toward the ventral surface of the brain, forming a dense interlaced network that releases OXT or AVP centrally. HNS axons morphologically have few, if any, collaterals, allowin...