Although n-butanol (BuOH) is an ideal fuel because of its superior physical properties, it has toxicity to microbes. Previously, a Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942 derivative strain that produces BuOH from CO2 was developed by introducing six heterologous genes (BUOH-SE strain). To identify the bottleneck in BuOH production, the effects of BuOH production and its toxicity on central metabolism and the photosystem were investigated. Parental (WT) and BUOH-SE strains were cultured under autotrophic conditions. Consistent with the results of a previous study, BuOH production was observed only in the BUOH-SE strain. Isotopically non-stationary 13 C-metabolic flux analysis revealed that the CO2 fixation rate was much larger than the BuOH production rate in the BUOH-SE strain (1.70 vs 0.03 mmol gDCW -1 h -1 ), implying that the carbon flow for BuOH biosynthesis was less affected by the entire flux distribution. No large difference was observed in the flux of metabolism between the WT and BUOH-SE strains.Contrastingly, in the photosystem, the chlorophyll content and maximum O2 evolution rate per dry cell weight of the BUOH-SE strain were decreased to 81% and 43% of the WT strain, respectively. Target proteome analysis revealed that the amounts of some proteins related to antennae (ApcA, ApcD, ApcE, and CpcC), photosystem II (PsbB, PsbU, and Psb28-2), and cytochrome b6f complex (PetB and PetC) in photosystems decreased in the BUOH-SE strain. The activation of photosynthesis would be a novel approach for further enhancing BuOH production in S. elongatus PCC 7942.