The polyol (sorbitol) pathway of glucose metabolism is activated in many cell types when intracellular glucose concentrations are high, and it can generate cellular stress through several mechanisms. The role of the polyol pathway in the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy has remained uncertain, in part because it has been examined preferentially in galactose-induced retinopathy and in part because inhibition studies may not have achieved full blockade of the pathway. Having observed that the streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat accurately models many cellular processes characteristic of human diabetic retinopathy, we tested in the diabetic rat if documented inhibition of the polyol pathway prevents a sequence of retinal vascular abnormalities also present in human diabetes. An inhibitor of aldose reductase, the rate-limiting enzyme in the pathway, prevented the early activation of complement in the wall of retinal vessels and the decreased levels of complement inhibitors in diabetic rats, as well as the later apoptosis of vascular pericytes and endothelial cells and the development of acellular capillaries. Both rat and human retinal endothelial cells showed aldose reductase immunoreactivity, and human retinas exposed to high glucose in organ culture increased the production of sorbitol by a degree similar to that observed in the rat. Excess aldose reductase activity can be a mechanism for human diabetic retinopathy. Diabetes 53: 2404 -2411, 2004 M ost cells of the retina are affected by the metabolic abnormalities of diabetes (1), but the sight-threatening manifestations of diabetic retinopathy are ultimately attributable to capillary damage. Abnormal permeability of barrier capillaries can cause macular edema, and capillary closure causes ischemia and unregulated angiogenesis (2). The current means to maintain a normal metabolic status in diabetic patients are imperfect, and they are successful in only a fraction of patients. It would thus be desirable to complement antidiabetic therapy with drugs that target processes specific to the complications of diabetes.The polyol pathway of glucose metabolism becomes active when intracellular glucose levels are elevated (3,4). Aldose reductase, the first and rate-limiting enzyme in the pathway, reduces glucose to sorbitol using NADPH as a cofactor; sorbitol is then metabolized to fructose by sorbitol dehydrogenase, which uses NAD ϩ as a cofactor. The polyol pathway is both a "dream" and a "dread" target when devising strategies to prevent diabetic retinopathy. The pathway is a dream target because its activation is immediately linked to hyperglycemia, generates various types of cellular stress (4 -6), and occurs prominently in the tissues that develop complications (3-6), thus promising returns beyond retinopathy. In addition, polymorphisms of the aldose reductase gene may help predict individual susceptibility to retinopathy and other microvascular complications (7), and the enzymatic function of aldose reductase can be specifically inhibited (4) with the expecta...