Patient selection and data retrieval have been described elsewhere. 5 Briefly, all patients referred to our hypertension referral center and newly diagnosed with PA between January 1, 2001, and December 31, 2006, were included. Patients with excess mineralocorticoid were identified from an electronic health record database established in 1975 and based on standardized questionnaires completed prospectively by the physician for each patient referred to our unit.6 Four other databases from the biochemistry, genetics, hypertension, and radiology departments were also queried to ensure the retrieval of all cases referred during this time period. The retrieved cases were reviewed and included in the final analysis if they fulfilled the diagnostic criteria for PA described below.Controls were adult patients with EH referred to our unit during the same time period and identified with the same electronic health record database. EH controls were considered suitable for analysis if they were not pregnant and if diagnostic analysis at the hospital was complete, included a normal aldosterone-to-renin ratio (ARR), and revealed no secondary cause of hypertension.Abstract-A higher risk of cardiovascular events has been reported in patients with primary aldosteronism (PA) than in otherwise similar patients with essential hypertension (EH). However, the evidence is limited by small sample size and potential confounding factors. We, therefore, compared the prevalence of cardiovascular events in 459 patients with PA diagnosed in our hypertension unit from 2001 to 2006 and 1290 controls with EH. PA cases and EH controls were individually matched for sex, age (±2 years), and office systolic blood pressure (±10 mm Hg).Patients with PA and EH differed significantly in duration of hypertension, serum potassium, plasma aldosterone and plasma renin concentrations, aldosterone-to-renin ratio, and urinary aldosterone concentration (P<0.001 for all comparisons). The prevalence of electrocardiographic and echocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy was about twice higher in patients with PA even after adjustment for hypertension duration. PA patients also had a significantly higher prevalence of coronary artery disease (adjusted odds ratio, 1.9), nonfatal myocardial infarction (adjusted odds ratio, 2.6), heart failure (adjusted odds ratio, 2.9), and atrial fibrillation (adjusted odds ratio, 5.0). The risks associated with PA were similar across levels of serum potassium and plasma aldosterone. To conclude, patients with PA are more likely to have had a cardiovascular complication at diagnosis than otherwise similar patients with EH. Target organ damage and complications disproportionate to blood pressure should be considered as an additional argument for suspecting PA in a given individual and possibly for broadening the scope of screening at the population level.