ALEGRA is an arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian finite element code that emphasizes large distortion and shock propagation in inviscid fluids and solids. This document describes user options for modeling resistive magnetohydrodynamics, thermal conduction, and radiation transport effects, and two material temperature physics.
AcknowledgmentThe authors wish to acknowledge the assistance of Bob Campbell, Dan Carroll, Mary Chen, Mike Desjarlais, Jeff Lawrence, Ray Lemke, Bryan Oliver, Steve Rosenthal, Erik Wemlinger, and especially Tim ("The Enchanter") Trucano in inspecting and testing the HEDP physics options for the ALEGRA code and its predecessors (primarily SPARTAN, RHALE++, and RHALE).Pavel Bochev has made important contributions to the description and understanding of the edge element discretization for the 3D magnetics. Jonathan Hu and Ray Tuminaro have been instrumental in the development and implementation of the algebraic multigrid software.We would also like to acknowledge the support of the members of the NEVADA framework development team and the rest of the ALEGRA development team. Their perpetual assistance in areas of team leadership, architecture, configuration management, regression testing, Diatom insertion, remap and advection, and more, have been invaluable.