A module M over a commutative ring R has an almost trivial dual if there is no homomorphism from M onto a free R-module of countable infinite rank. Using a new combinatorial principle (the ℵ n -Black Box), which is provable in ordinary set theory, we show that for every natural number n, there exist arbitrarily large ℵ n -free R-modules with almost trivial duals, when R is a complete discrete valuation domain. A corresponding result for torsion modules is also obtained.2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 20A15, 20K10, 20K20, 20K21, 20K30, 13B10, 13L05.
Introduction.For a module M over a commutative ring R, let M * = Hom R (M, R) be the dual module over R. The problem of building uncountable Rmodules M with trivial dual, i.e. M * = 0, has attracted considerable attention in the research literature. It is a stronger form of the challenge of constructing κ-free nonfree modules, since κ-free modules with trivial duals are clearly not free. (Recall that a module M is κ-free if all its submodules generated by < κ elements are contained in a free R-submodule -see [4,10]). If R is a countable domain, but not a field, then it is clear how to construct proper classes of torsion-free R-modules with trivial dual, e.g. apply Corner [1] or Corner-Göbel [2]. In this case, in [9] the authors proved that there is even a proper class of ℵ n -free R-modules M with trivial dual.However, the result fails if R is uncountable, as can be seen from Kaplansky's [11] well-known splitting theorems for modules over the ring J p of p-adic integers. Nevertheless, we want to extend the main result from [9] in the torsion-free case and also the torsion case to modules over complete discrete valuation domains (DVDs), in particular, to p-adic modules. Recall that an R-module M is κ--cyclic if every one