Edited by George N. DeMartinoMutations in the astrocyte-specific intermediate filament glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) lead to the rare and fatal disorder, Alexander disease (AxD). A prominent feature of the disease is aberrant accumulation of GFAP. It has been proposed that this accumulation occurs because of an increase in gene transcription coupled with impaired proteasomal degradation, yet this hypothesis remains untested. We therefore sought to directly investigate GFAP turnover in a mouse model of AxD that is heterozygous for a disease-causing point mutation (Gfap R236H/؉ ) (and thus expresses both wild-type and mutant protein). Stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture, using primary cortical astrocytes, indicated that the in vitro halflives of total GFAP in astrocytes from wild-type and mutant mice were similar at ϳ3-4 days. Surprisingly, results obtained with stable isotope labeling of mammals revealed that, in vivo, the half-life of GFAP in mutant mice (15.4 ؎ 0.5 days) was much shorter than that in wild-type mice (27.5 ؎ 1.6 days). These unexpected in vivo data are most consistent with a model in which synthesis and degradation are both increased. Our work reveals that an AxD-causing mutation alters GFAP turnover kinetics in vivo and provides an essential foundation for future studies aimed at preventing or reducing the accumulation of GFAP. In particular, these data suggest that elimination of GFAP might be possible and occurs more quickly than previously surmised.Alexander disease (AxD) 2 is a rare and often fatal human disease of the central nervous system caused by dominant mutations in the astrocyte intermediate filament glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) (1). Most AxD patients have de novo mutations in GFAP (2), encoding for various missense mutations as well as small in-frame insertions and deletions. The hallmark feature of the pathology is the formation of aggregates, known as Rosenthal fibers (RFs), within the cell bodies and processes of astrocytes, along with variable degrees of white matter deficits. Although the genetic basis for AxD is clear, the mechanisms by which GFAP mutations lead to astrocyte dysfunction and the cascade of secondary effects on other cells in the central nervous system remain unresolved. Previous studies demonstrated that simple overexpression of wild-type GFAP to high levels induces the formation of RFs (3), and indeed increased levels of GFAP are consistently present in autopsy samples from patients with AxD (4 -8). Mouse models engineered to express mutations equivalent to common human mutations (9) illustrate a connection between GFAP levels and severity of disease, which has led to the concept of "GFAP toxicity."The excessive accumulation of GFAP and the formation of RFs in AxD presumably reflect a fundamental alteration in proteostasis. Proteostasis, or protein homeostasis, involves a vast network of pathways that control protein synthesis, folding, trafficking, aggregation, and degradation. Protein aggregation disorders such as Alzhei...