Metal-rich boridesw ith the Ti 3 Co 5 B 2 -type structure represent an ideal playground for tuning magnetic interactions through chemical substitutions. In this work, density functional theory (DFT) and experimental studies of Ru-rich quaternary boridesw ith the general composition A 2 MRu 5 B 2 (A = Zr,H f, M = Fe, Mn) are presented.T otal energy calculations show that the phases Zr 2 FeRu 5 B 2 and Hf 2 FeRu 5 B 2 prefer ground states with strong antiferromagnetic (AFM) interactions between ferromagnetic (FM) M-chains. Manganese substitution for iron lowers these antiferromagnetic interchain interactions dramatically andcreates astrong competition between FM and AFM states with as light preference for AFM in Zr 2 MnRu 5 B 2 andf or FM in Hf 2 MnRu 5 B 2 .M agnetic property measurements show af ield dependence of the AFM transition (T N ): T N is found at 0.1 Tf or all phases with predicted AFM states whereasf or the predicted FM phase it is found at am uch lower magneticf ield (0.005 T). Furthermore, T N is lowest for aH f-based phase (20 K) and highest for aZ r-basedo ne (28 K), in accordance with DFT predictions of weaker AFM interactions in the Hf-based phases.I nterestingly,t he AFM transitions vanish in all compounds at higherf ields (> 1T)i nf avor of FM transitions, indicating metamagnetic behaviors for these Ru-richphases.[a] Dr.Supporting information and the ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article can be found under: https://doi.