bBecause their large growth potential is counterbalanced with grazing by heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF), bacteria of the genus Limnohabitans, which are common in many freshwater habitats, represent a valuable model for examining bacterial carbon flow to the grazer food chain. We conducted experiments with natural HNF communities taken from two distinct habitats, the meso-eutrophic Ř ímov Reservoir and the oligo-mesotrophic Lake Cep (South Bohemia). HNF communities from each habitat at distinct seasonal phases, a late April algal bloom and a late May clear water phase, were each fed 3 Limnohabitans strains of differing cell sizes. Water samples were prefiltered (5 m) to release natural HNF communities from zooplankton control and then amended with the Limnohabitans strains L. planktonicus II-D5 (medium sized, rod shaped), Limnohabitans sp. strain T6-5 (thin, long, curved rod), and Limnohabitans sp. strain 2KL-3 (large solenoid). Using temporal sampling and prey treatment, we determined HNF growth parameters such as doubling time, growth efficiency, and length of lag phase prior starting to exponential growth. All three Limnohabitans strains supported HNF growth but in significant prey-, site-, and season-dependent fashions. For instance, addition of the moderately large T6-5 strain yielded very rapid HNF growth with a short lag phase. In contrast, the curved morphology and larger cell size of strain 2KL-3 made this prey somewhat protected against grazing by smaller HNF, resulting in slower HNF growth and longer lag phases. These trends were particularly pronounced during the late May clear-water phase, which was dominated by smaller HNF cells. This may indicate a longer "adaptation time" for the flagellate communities toward the large prey size offered.T he importance of both bacteria and their protistan grazers in planktonic microbial food webs has been widely recognized (1, 2). Bacterioplankton transfers dissolved organic matter (DOM) to bacterial biomass that is consumed mainly by heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) or ciliates and channeled via grazing into the metazoan grazer food chain (3-5). The amount, composition, and temporal dynamics of DOM differ widely among the diverse set of freshwater ecosystems, and this DOM distinctly modulates the growth and population dynamics of different bacterioplankton taxa (6). For instance, some bacterioplankton groups, such as Betaproteobacteria and Flavobacteria, can respond to sudden pulses in alga-derived organic carbon very rapidly, using doubling times (DTs) that vary from several hours to days (7-10).Representatives from a few highly abundant phylogenetic clusters of Betaproteobacteria and Actinobacteria frequently dominate bacterioplankton populations in a wide variety of freshwater ecosystems (11-13). Among the Betaproteobacteria, Limnohabitans and Polynucleobacter have been documented as the most ecologically important genera (6,(14)(15)(16)(17)(18). The Limnohabitans genus is composed of five major lineages. Four are the so-called R-BT bacteria, which are...