Figure on the right is the High Voltage Engineering Europe 2.0 MV Medium CurrentPlus TandetronTM accelerator providing 2.5 MeV protons which is situated in SurreyIon Beam Centre. It is taken from Figure 1(a) of the article Ion Beam ElementalAnalysis of Doped SiO2 Optical Fibre and Its Thermoluminescence Response WhenIrradiated with Proton—research work undertaken by scientists from the Universityof Technology Malaysia and the University of Surrey, Guildford, U.K. (pp. 15–21).Figure on the top left of the cover shows skeletons of simulated flood from anarticle which describes characterization of skeletons of simulated droughts and floodof water bodies (Figure 5, pp. 68). Subsequent designs shown below are from Figures6 and 4 of the first research article of this issue—Ex-vivo Differentiation of Stem Cellsfrom Human Extracted Deciduous Teeth into Bone Forming Cells which describesthe isolation of mesenchymal stem cells derived from extracted deciduous teeth anddifferentiate them into osteoblast and identifies the molecular characterization of thedifferentiated cells by using reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) analysis.