The current study was conducted to identify and study the spatial and seasonal variations of diatoms in some sites in Shaqlawa district in Erbil province for the period from September 2021 to August 2022 and considered the first attempt to identify diatoms in these sites and also considered as an intensive study of the various species of the diatoms under different environmental conditions. Eighteen; sites were selected, of which twelve are in springs, and six of which are along the stream, as well as use indices to evaluate the water quality, such as Shannon Wiener indicators (H), and Jaccard similarity indices (SJ), 57 species of diatoms were identified at eighteen sites, where central diatoms were of two species while pennies diatoms reached fifty-five species. The highest; number of diatoms species was recorded in springs, including site three, and the lower number was identified at site ten. Diatoma; hiemal, D. moniliformis, Fragilaria construes, F. crotonesis, Ulnaria ulna, Cocconeis pediculus, Navicula radiosa, Gyrosigma acuminatum, Nitzschia dubia, Cymbella excise, Gomphonema olivaceous, Surirella oval is considered more dominant than others diatoms species. According to; to Shannon Wiener, indicators (H), a great diversity was obtained in sites 3 and 18. In contrast, lower diversity was observed in sites 5, 10 and 17. According to; to seasons, the maximum diversity was recorded in October-2021, and the minimum variety was calculated in January-2022. The highest similarity rate between Sites 3 and 4 was 29.0%, while the lowest similarity rate between Sites 1 and 10 was 7.9%. Generally, the similarity rate between the sites is considered quiet.