Abstract. We prove a Noether-Deuring theorem for the derived category of bounded complexes of modules over a Noetherian algebra.2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 16E35; Secondary 11S36, 13J10, 18E30, 16G30.
Introduction.The classical Noether-Deuring theorem states that given an algebra A over a field K and a finite extension field L of K, two A-modules M andIn 1972, Roggenkamp gave a nice extension of this result to extensions S of local commutative Noetherian rings R and modules over Noetherian R-algebras.For the derived category of A-modules no such generalisation was documented before. The purpose of this note is to give a version of the Noether-Deuring theorem, in the generalised version given by Roggenkamp, for right bounded derived categories of A-modules. If there is a morphism α ∈ Hom D( ) (X, Y ), then it is fairly easy to show that for a faithfully flat ring extension S over R the fact that id S ⊗ α is an isomorphism implies that α is an isomorphism. This is done in proposition (1). More delicate is the question if only an isomorphism in Hom D(S⊗ R ) (S ⊗ R X, S ⊗ R Y ) is given. Then, we need further finiteness conditions on and on R and proceed by completion of R and then a classical going-down argument. This is done in theorem (4) and corollary (8).For the notation concerning derived categories, we refer to Verdier [6]. In particular, D(A) (resp D − (A), resp D b (A)) denotes the derived category of complexes (resp. right bounded complexes, resp. bounded complexes) of finitely generated A-modules,is the homotopy category of right bounded complexes (resp. bounded complexes, resp. right bounded complexes with bounded homology) of finitely generated projective A-modules. For a complex Z, we denote by H i (Z) the homology of Z in degree i, and by H(Z) the graded module given by the homology of Z.