“…It turns out that even in the simple case of non-deterministic automata that procedure is not the classical powerset construction; instead, it relies on a double application of contravariant powerset construction. Interestingly, this is what also happens in Brzozowski's algorithm for automata minimization [4], so as a by-product, we get a new perspective on that algorithm which has recently attracted much attention in the coalgebraic community [1,2,3].Although we do not assume the branching functor T to be a monad, a forgetful logic for T is equivalent to a transformation from T to a certain monad which, in the case of sets, is the double contravariant powerset monad (a special case of the continuation monad). One might say that the continuation monad is rich enough to handle all types of branching that can be "forgotten" within our framework.This paper is an extended version of [21], adding full proofs and a treatment of the trace semantics of probabilistic systems as a non-trivial instance of the framework.Acknowledgments We thank Marcello Bonsangue, Helle Hvid Hansen, Ichiro Hasuo, Bart Jacobs and Jan Rutten for discussions.…”