This note is about the Chow groups of a certain family of smooth cubic fourfolds. This family is characterized by the property that each cubic fourfold X in the family has an involution such that the induced involution on the Fano variety F of lines in X is symplectic and has a K3 surface S in the fixed locus. The main result establishes a relation between X and S on the level of Chow motives. As a consequence, we can prove finite-dimensionality of the motive of certain members of the family.Because the cubics X as in theorem 3.1 form a large family, and the correspondence Γ exists for the whole family, one can apply Voisin's method of "spread" [33], [34], [35], [36] to this isomorphism, and obtain a statement on the level of rational equivalence which proves theorem 3.1.