For p ∈ Q + {1} a positive rational number different from one, we say that the Puisseux series f ∈ C((t)) alg is p-Mahler of non-exceptional polynomial type if there is a polynomial P ∈ C(t) alg [X] of degree at least two which is not conjugate to either a monomial or to plus or minus a Chebyshev polynomial for which the equation f (t p ) = P (f (t)) holds. We show that if p and q are multiplicatively independent and f and g are p-Mahler and q-Mahler, respectively, of non-exceptional polynomial type, then f and g are algebraically independent over C(t). This theorem is proven as a consequence of a more general theorem that if f is p-Mahler of non-exceptional polynomial type, and g 1 , . . . , gn each satisfy some difference equation with respect to the substitution t → t q , then f is algebraically independent from g 1 , . . . , gn. These theorems are themselves consequences of a refined classification of skew-invariant curves for split polynomial dynamical systems on A 2 .