The Neumann problem of linear elasticity is singular with a kernel formed by the rigid motions of the body. There are several tricks that are commonly used to obtain a nonsingular linear system. However, they often cause reduced accuracy or lead to poor convergence of the iterative solvers. In this paper, different well-posed formulations of the problem are studied through discretization by the finite element method, and preconditioning strategies based on operator preconditioning are discussed. For each formulation, we derive preconditioners that are independent of the discretization parameter. Preconditioners that are robust with respect to the first Lamé constant are constructed for the pure displacement formulations, whereas a preconditioner that is robust in both Lamé constants is constructed for the mixed formulation. It is shown that, for convergence in the first Sobolev norm, it is crucial to respect the orthogonality constraint derived from the continuous problem. On the basis of this observation, a modification to the conjugate gradient method is proposed, which achieves optimal error convergence of the computed solution.corresponding dual space, that is, it is a representation of the right-hand side. Consequently, two projectors are required in the iterative method originating from a singular variational problem. However, standard implementations of Krylov methods, which employ single projection, fail to make the distinction.Rewriting the Krylov solvers to take the two representations into account is, in principle, a simple addition to the code. However, it is also intrusive in the sense that it requires modification of perhaps the low-level code in the implementation of the Krylov solvers. To the best of our knowledge, this distinction is not implemented in state-of-the-art linear algebra frameworks such as PETSc 20 or hypre. 21 Here, we therefore propose a simple alternative solution that is less intrusive, although it requires a priori information about the kernel. Alternative methods, which require less or no a priori information, are the adaptive multigrid methods, 22,23 where the null space is detected automatically during the solver setup in an iterative process that identifies error components that the current solver cannot effectively reduce. Here, we focus on the analysis of the Lagrange multiplier method and the CG method for the singular problem (1). Well-posedness of both the methods is discussed, and robust preconditioners are established based on operator preconditioning. 24 Further, connections between the two methods and the question of whether they yield identically converging numerical solutions are elucidated. These methods rely on standard iterative solvers as they implicitly contain the two required projectors.This paper is structured as follows. In Section 2, the necessary notation is introduced, and shortcomings of pinpointing and CG are illustrated by numerical examples. Section 3 discusses Lagrange multiplier formulation and the two preconditioners for the method. Section 4 de...