The coset G-space of a finite group and a subgroup is a fundamental module of study of Schur and others around 1930; for example, its endomorphism algebra is a Hecke algebra of double cosets. We study and review its generalization Q to Hopf subalgebras, especially the tensor powers and similarity as modules over a Hopf algebra, or what's the same, Morita equivalence of the endomorphism algebras. We prove that Q has a nonzero integral if and only if the modular function restricts to the modular function of the Hopf subalgebra. We also study and organize knowledge of Q and its tensor powers in terms of annihilator ideals, sigma categories, trace ideals, Burnside ring formulas, and when dealing with semisimple Hopf algebras, the depth of Q in terms of the McKay quiver and the Green ring.1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. 16D20, 16D90, 16T05, 18D10, 20C05.