The effect of macromolecular crowding on the structure and function of Escherichia coli prolyl-tRNA synthetase (Ec ProRS) has been investigated using a combined experimental and theoretical method. Ec ProRS is a multi-domain enzyme; coupled-domain dynamics is essential for efficient catalysis. To gain an insight into the mechanistic detail of the crowding effect, kinetic studies were conducted with varying concentrations and sizes of crowders. In parallel, spectroscopic and quantum chemical studies were employed to probe the "soft-interactions" between crowders and protein side chains. Finally, the dynamics of the dimeric protein was examined in the presence of crowders using a long-duration (70 ns) classical molecular dynamic simulations. The results of the simulations revealed a significant shift in the conformational ensemble, which is consistent with the "soft-interactions" model of the crowding effect and explained the observed alteration in kinetic parameters. Collectively, the present study demonstrated that the effects of molecular crowding on both conformational dynamics and catalytic function, are correlated. This is the first report where molecular crowding has been found to impact the conformational ensemble in the multi-domain Ec ProRS, a member of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase family, which is central to protein synthesis in all living cells. The present study affirmed that the effect of crowders should be considered while investigating the structure-dynamics-function relationship in modular enzymes.All crowding agents were purchased from Sigma Aldrich, except for polyethylene glycol (PEG) 8000 (Fisher Scientific). Proline (≥ 99%) was also from Sigma Aldrich. Both [γ-32 P] ATP and [ 32 P] PP i were purchased through Perkin Elmer, Shelton, CT.
Overexpression and purification of Ec ProRSWild-type (WT) Ec ProRS was overexpressed in SG13009 (pREP4) competent cells using 0.1 mM isopropyl β-D-thiogalactoside for 4 hours at 37 °C. Histidine-tagged WT Ec ProRS was purified using Talon cobalt affinity resin column; 100 mM imidazole was used to elute the protein (24,25). The Bio-Rad protein assay (Bio-Rad Laboratories) was used to determine total concentration of protein. An active-site titration was performed to determine the concentration of active protein (26).
Enzyme kineticsCrowding agent concentration variation. The ATP-PP i exchange assay was performed, following the protocol described elsewhere, to examine the effect of increasing concentrations of crowding agents on proline activation (eq.1) by Ec ProRS (27). In ATP-PP i exchange assay, radiolabeled PP i ( 32 PP i ) and non-radiolabeled ATP were used and the percent product (Pro-AMP) formation at 20 minutes post-initiation of the reaction was measured in the presence of crowding agents. In the present study, the amount of Pro-AMP formed was indirectly measured by monitoring the amount of 32 P-ATP formed via the reverse reaction of eq. 1 (ProRS + Pro + ATP ⇌ ProRS·(Pro-AMP) + PP i ). The percent product formation was calculated from the ratio of the Pro-A...