Given a graph = ( , ) with edge weights { : ∈ }, the weighted degree of a node in is ∑ { : ∈ }. We give bicriteria approximation algorithms for problems that seek to find a minimum cost directed graph that satisfies both intersecting supermodular connectivity requirements and weighted degree constraints. The input to such problems is a directed graph = ( , ) with edge-costs { : ∈ } and edge-weights { : ∈ }, an intersecting supermodular set-function on , and degree bounds { ( ) : ∈ ⊆ }. The goal is to find a minimum cost -connected subgraph = ( , ) (namely, at least ( ) edges in enter every ⊆ ) of with weighted degrees ≤ ( ). Our algorithm computes a solution of cost ≤ 2 ⋅ opt, so that the weighted degree of every ∈ is at most: 7 ( ) for arbitrary and 5 ( ) for a 0, 1-valued ; 2 ( ) + 4 for arbitrary and 2 ( ) + 2 for a 0, 1-valued in the case of unit weights. Another algorithm computes a solution of cost ≤ 3 ⋅ opt and weighted degrees ≤ 6 ( ). We obtain similar results when there are both indegree and outdegree constraints, and better results when there are indegree constraints only: a (1, 4 ( ))-approximation algorithm for arbitrary weights and a polynomial time algorithm for unit weights. Similar results are shown for crossing supermodular . We also consider the problem of packing maximum number of pairwise edge-disjoint arborescences so that their union satisfies weighted degree constraints, and give an algorithm that computes a solution of value at least ⌊ /36⌋. Finally, for unit weights and without trying to bound the cost, we give an algorithm that computes a subgraph so that the degree of every ∈ is at most ( ) + 3, improving over the approximation ( ) + 4 of [2]. * Preliminary version in APPROX 2008, pp. 219-232.