Abstract-In this paper we present two implementations of event-driven algorithms for simulating molecular dynamics using the Omnet++ Simulation Framework and its Future Event Set (FES) implementation. The first one uses a cell-linked list algorithm. The second one extends the cell-linked list algorithm incorporating a Verlet neighbor list algorithm. We also present results and compare both algorithms over a set of different scenarios. Finally, we discuss the advantages of using the Omnet++ Simulation Framework and the implemented algorithm for simulating cell-signaling communications.Index Terms-Event-driven, molecular dynamics, Omnet++, particle system.
I. INTRODUCTIONCells, in terms of biological organisms, are able to perceive and produce a response to their environment accordingly. For unicellular organisms, the ability to react to changes in their environment is key for survival, whereas for multicellular organisms the exchange of information between neighbor cells governs basic cellular activities and actions. This communication between cells is known as cell signaling. There are different types of cell signaling communications: cells can communicate with each other via direct contact (juxtacrine signaling), over short distances (paracrine signaling) or over large distances (endocrine signaling).In this work we focus on the subset of juxtacrine and paracrine signaling types, where event driven simulation algorithms can be easily applied. Specifically, we will focus on the simulation of large systems of particles modeling the communication channel using a hard-sphere system approach. Furthermore, since our goal is to provide the tools to study these types of communications, we present an implementation of two event-driven algorithms implemented using the Omnet++ [1] framework simulator. We also comment some of the results of running the algorithms on a set of different scenarios.To conclude, we discuss the advantages of using event-driven algorithms on cell-signaling communications, but we also point out the difficulties to model realistic scenarios.
II. EVENT-DRIVEN MOLECULAR DYNAMICSIn molecular dynamics there are two different, well-known Manuscript received November 10, 2013; revised January 15, 2014. D. Huertas is with the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain (e-mail: huertas.dani@gmail.com).A. Rojas is with the Telematics Engineering (ENTEL) Department, Barcelona Telecommunication Engineering Technical School (ETSETB), Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), Barcelona, Spain (e-mail: alfonso@entel.upc.edu). simulation methods [2]. The first one, known as time-driven simulation, divides the simulation in small steps and performs the required computations after each time step. The other one, referred to as event-driven simulation [3], [4], defines a series of events that take place during the simulation process, which are then processed one after the other. The main difference from the time-driven method is that the simulation time does not advance in small steps, but it advances th...