Quantum computing has attracted the attention of the scientific community in the past few decades. The development of quantum computers promises one path toward safer and faster ways to treat, extract, and transfer information. However, despite the significant advantages of quantum computing, the development of quantum devices operating at room temperature has been compromised by the thermal decoherence process. In addition, in most undergraduate and graduate quantum mechanics courses, the study of thermofield dynamics is usually neglected. In this scenario, this work presents a didactic approach to simulate thermal qubit systems through Thermofield Dynamics (TFD), applied in a quantum computing setup. The results show that the Bloch sphere representation for a qubit can be written in terms of the Bogoliubov transformation, which allows a practical construction for the thermal qubits in a quantum computing setup. Therefore, this work introduces thermofield dynamics through quantum computing to teachers and curious students interested in teaching and learning this important field of studying the temperature impacts on quantum protocols using the TFD technique.