In this age of growing importance for interdisciplinary studies, the field of computing, and its indispensable component, programming, have become increasingly important not only for STEM areas but also for many other fields. Computational chemistry, bio-informatics, computational linguistics, computational toxicology, etc. are just a few examples of the crossover disciplines that benefit significantly from the developments in the computing and Information Technology (IT). Instructors are facing more challenges today than ever in trying to come up with new, fresh and appealing methodologies to attract and retain students in delivering computing and IT related topics to a much broader audience. Computing courses and topics both for majors and non-majors need new approaches that motivate students to feel comfortable with the life-long learning of computing concepts and tools. The goal of this paper is to summarize our teaching experience in and the great potential of App Inventor for Android (AIA) in broadening the appeal and diffusion of fundamental computing and programming concepts. With a pedagogical foundation stemming from constructionist learning and contextualized computing education, we present our motivation and the details of courses that can greatly benefit from AIA.