The purpose of this paper is to study the (different) notions of homo-derivations. These are additive mappings f of a ring R that also fulfill the identityor (in case of the other notion) the system of equationsOur primary aim is to investigate the above equations without additivity as well as the following Pexiderized equationThe obtained results show that under rather mild assumptions homo-derivations can be fully characterized, even without the additivity assumption.Dedicated to the 70 th birthday of Professor Antal Járai.Remark. Let Q be a ring and let P be a subring of Q. Functions f : P → Q fulfilling the Leibniz rule only, will be termed Leibniz functions.Among derivations one can single out so-called inner derivations, similarly as in the case of automorphisms.Definition 3. Let R be a ring and b ∈ R, then the mapping ad b : R → R defined byis a derivation. A derivation f : R → R is termed to be an inner derivation if there is a b ∈ R so that f = ad b . We say that a derivation is an outer derivation if it is not inner.An another fundamental example for derivations is the following.Remark. Let F be a field, and let in the above definitionbe the ring of polynomials with coefficients from F. For a polynomial pwhere p ′ (x) = n k=1 ka k x k−1 is the derivative of the polynomial p. Then the function f clearly fulfillsClearly, commutative rings admit only trivial inner derivations. At the same time, it not so evident whether commutative rings (or fields) do or do not admit nontrivial outer derivations. To answer this problem partially, here we recall Theorem 14.2.1 from Kuczma [7].Theorem 1. Let K be a field of characteristic zero, let F be a subfield of K, let S be an algebraic base of K over F, if it exists, and let S = ∅ otherwise. Let f : F → K be a derivation. Then, for every function u : S → K, there exists a unique derivation g : K → K such that g| F = f and g| S = u.