Abstract:The ichthyofauna o f the O dra River, its m ajor tributaries (Oława, Widawa, Bystrzyca, Ślęza) and selected reservoirs (sand and clay pits, city park ponds, recreational reservoirs, city m oat) within the city o f W rocław is described on the basis o f data obtained in our ow n studies (electrofishing and net-catching), quality control catches o f the Polish Angling Association, analysis o f stocking registers, control and analysis o f angling inquiries and interviewing anglers in 1980-2010. Forty six fish and lamprey species were recorded: 42 in the Odra River, and 41 in its tributaries. Twenty eight species were recorded from the city reservoirs; they represented euryoecious and stagnophilous ecological groups. The study area holds nine species w hich are legally protected in Poland (Lampetra planeri, Acipenser oxirynchus, Gobi о albipinnatus, Rhodeus sericeus, Eupallasella percnurus, Cobitis taenia, Sabanejewia baltica (=aurata), Misgurnus fossilis, Barbatula barbatula) and five species regarded as endangered in the country {Barbus barbus, Vimba vimba, Chondrostoma nasus, Hucho hucho, Salmo salar). Eleven species occurring in the w ater courses and reservoirs o f W roclaw are protected within the EU Habitats Directive (92/43/EW G). Ten species introduced accidentally or on purpose occur in the city. Despite the high anthropopressure, including intensive angling, the W roclaw waters still hold diverse, and the O dra River itself -even rich -fish communities.