Journal article
Conceptual• To "align the algebra curriculum with the new state standards" Newmann et al. (2001) Journal article Mixed methods • Did "elementary schools with improving instructional coherence show improvements in student achievement over multiple years?" (p. 301) Oxley (2008) Journal article Conceptual • To define and provide strategies for creating instructional program coherence Park et al. (2022) Journal article Peurach et al. (2019) Journal article Conceptual • "What happens when ambitions for instructionally focused education systems collide with institutionalized mass public schooling?" (p. 55) Polikoff, Gasparian, et al. (2020) Journal article Qualitative • To "examine and expand the ways that alignment can be thought of and analyzed using the SEC" (p. 39) Polikoff and Porter (2014)Journal article Quantitative • "To what extent is the alignment of teachers' reported instruction with the content of standards and assessments associated with value-added to student achievement?" • "To what extent do measures of pedagogical quality moderate the relationship of instructional alignment with value-added to student achievement?" (p. 400) Polikoff, Porter, and Smithson, (2011) Journal article Quantitative • "To what extent are state assessments of student achievement under No Child Left Behind aligned with state content standards?" • "To the extent that there is misalignment between assessments and standards, what is the nature of that misalignment?" (p. 967) Polikoff, Rabovsky, et al. (2021) Journal article Journal article Qualitative • "How do program characteristics influence early teacher adoption?" (p. 610) Ruchti, Jenkins, and Agamba (2013) Journal article Qualitative • "What supports do secondary teachers believe are necessary to implement, and indicate readiness to implement, the CCSS?" (p. 247) Russell and Bray (2013) Journal article Qualitative • To "examine how NCLB [No Child Left Behind} and IDA [Individuals with Educational Disabilities Act] (as written) are coherent and mutually reinforcing, plus the ways that these mandates present potential incoherence. Second, we describe ways that some teachers, principals and superintendents made sense of the dual policy mandates and attempted to craft a coherent response" (p. 3) Schmidt and Prawat (2006) Journal article Quantitative • To "assess agreement about content centrality, about which topics in the country's curriculum guide ought to be considered core and which more discretionary" (p. 642) Schmidt, Wang, and McKnight (2005) Journal article Qualitative • To "argue that the presence of content standards is not sufficient to guarantee curricula that lead to high-quality instruction and achievement" • (p. 525) Sebastian and Allensworth (2012) Journal article Quantitative • "Which areas of principals' work are most strongly related to classroom instruction and student achievement?" • "To what extent does principal leadership explain differences in student achievement and classroom instruction across schools, and through which processes can we ...